Easy-to-use cards to encourage your little yogi to twist, bend, breathe and practice mindfulness. Meditation and mindfulness are proven to...
Winner of the 2018 best children’s game by the Kinderspiel des Jahres jury. Perfect for learning how to follow multi-step...
Best part? Climbing up the middle! Fun fact: this unanchored rope ladder is especially excellent for grip strength, core strength...
We all could use a dose of this; this kit makes it so easy. And because great things do come...
An ideal platform for S.T.E.A.M education and spatial + kinetic awareness. Praised by the Wall Street Journal for how it...
A puzzle and play set all in one! Fun fact: 3D spatial skills are foundational for engineering and design.
We love the story, the concept, the illustrations…all of it! Especially the feeling it leaves in you – pride in...
New twist on the classic tug-of-war that will have the whole family laughing and active. Add a dose of healthy...
Hands-down, the coolest coloring book..and the longest in the world (!!) Hours of downtime fun that cleverly folds into accordion-style...
Written and illustrated by an award-winning team. This ode to family, to dreamers, and to finding hope in the most...
We love the simplicity + and easy storage of this design. Beginner chess and checker strategies are excellent for kids...
Help your child learn how to resolve a social conflict on their own with this framework – Wheel of Choices.
A simple tip sheet for how to praise your child. Something more than “Good job” or just commenting on process and...
Social exclusion is a main theme in a child’s development and there are many reasons why it happens. Empower your child to...
A breathing exercise to help your child move through the rocky moments in their day. Easy to do and remember....
Help your child to control their thoughts by making Mindful Minutes a routine. Your step-by-step guide on why, how and...
Go beyond “How was your day?” Our Top 10 favorite conversation starters can give you insight into what matters to...
Encouraging your child to listen can sometimes be very hard (even when you have our trusty checklist of things to...
Learn how to respond to your child’s challenging behavior or big emotions with empathy. Use our go-to parenting scripts for...
One of the most frequent questions we get from parents is, “How do I get my child to listen?” It’s...
Speaking with a child about death is an important, impactful, and often dreaded, teachable moment. Whether prompted by an actual...
If you’re looking for a didactic list, here’s a theoretical, academic sequence for teaching your child to read. Just remember...
We teachers have the good fortune of learning and playing with a wide range of children in class and are...