“And I’d like to thank the Academy, my parents, my teachers, Plinkit….” Comes with free Movie Maker app to capture...
Best part? Climbing up the middle! Fun fact: this unanchored rope ladder is especially excellent for grip strength, core strength...
For your rock n’ roll star. More awesome beats here and here to self-regulate those wiggles. PS – It’s a...
Learn letters with a classic game. There’s a reason it’s a classroom favorite. Ditto for the numbers edition.
All in one – empathy, creativity, language and fine motor skills. Then bring things to life with a (faux) trip...
A cozy cocoon for swinging and spinning – or getting into that mental “just right space”. Loved by occupational therapists...
Spark conversation with these beautiful communication cards. I Heard Your Feelings and What Do I Do? flash cards also help...
An ideal gift for your beginning reader to inspire their love of books, reading and creative storytelling. And for those...
Good old-fashioned fun and cheer. These delightful stickers are brilliant for adding a splash of sunshine + happy to anything...
Pow! Inspire oral language development and storytelling, both key to literacy development. A great self-directed activity with multiple learning outcomes....
Easy-to-use cards to encourage your little yogi to twist, bend, breathe and practice mindfulness. Meditation and mindfulness are proven to...
Spark conversation and make sense of the world. Practice social skills over a cup of tea. Sure to warm any...
Get flustered in the heat of the moment when your children fight? Use these three key phrases to stop sibling...
Sibling fighting and rivalry is normal and, in most cases, healthy. Learn how to resolve sibling conflict in 5 simple...
Book selection is key in helping your child learn to read. Parents of emergent and early readers are often tempted...
ABCs, colors, numbers, sight words…parents have heard of the ‘push-down’ of academic skills – that Kindergarten has a lot of...
Here’s a practical tool and script to support your child’s self-regulation and emotional awareness – it provides a shared language to signal...
When your child starts demonstrating behaviors that show they are trying to ‘fit in’ or wants to ‘belong to a...
Watching a child turn to you crying for the first time because “A friend said ‘I can’t play’”, is a...
Social exclusion is a main theme in a child’s development and there are many reasons why it happens. Empower your child to...
Tattling is very common but it can be shaped by our responses to their tattling. Teach your child this simple rhyme to work...
“Empathy is when you’re able to understand and care about how someone else is feeling.” -Mark Ruffalo, Sesame Street
If you’re looking for a didactic list, here’s a theoretical, academic sequence for teaching your child to read. Just remember...
How is your child dealing with words they can’t read? Here’s an observation tool that can help inform how your...