Encourage creativity and reasonable risk with real working tools. Inspired by the Montessori way of learning and designed in France....
There’s a hero in all of us. Outstanding details in this playset. Or, go (almost) larger than life with this...
Swing + surf = the Swurfer. Unique curved shape = more power, more stability, wider range of motion…and more fun!
Speedy feet will delight in this authentic go-kart designed for young drivers. Helps build core strength, gross motor skills and...
Fun fact – Musical elements such as beats, rhythm, melody and tempo possess inherent math principles like spatial properties, sequencing,...
Best part? Climbing up the middle! Fun fact: this unanchored rope ladder is especially excellent for grip strength, core strength...
(Beautiful) bingo with a twist. Bonus fun – it’s multilingual! And for those times you can’t stop having fun with...
Vibrant + engaging. Brilliantly made, this over-sized, fire-breathing fun is over 4.5 feet long. Puzzles are exceptional for developing problem-solving,...
A clever take on the conventional memory game. Players use their sense of touch and fine motor skills to manipulate...
Can your child rescue the arctic animals and move them to safety before the bridge breaks? Develop skills in taking...
A play + learn system that develops memory, concentration, visual perception, logic, language and math skills. Developed in Germany; used...
All you need for sensory discovery in one easy bin. Just add imagination! Complete with moldable sand, squishy aquabeads, calming...
Learn at what age you should expect that your child can practice skills without prompting and strategies for encouraging your...
If a child is too forceful with their grasp, the pressure used will lead to quick fatigue. To help prevent...
ABCs, colors, numbers, sight words…parents have heard of the ‘push-down’ of academic skills – that Kindergarten has a lot of...
Imagine a magical world where children are internally motivated to be kind and generous. It’s doable!
Power struggles and harried mornings for both parent and child are normal, and yet not a fun way to start...
Sometimes, a child may have an efficient grasp and sufficient hand strength, but their handwriting strokes still do not produce...
“What is a good resource to understand milestones for my child? At what age should they learn colors? Learn numbers?...
Try having ‘Family Agreements’ instead of having ‘rules’. Family Agreements can be powerful yet simple tools for encouraging baseline behavioral...
Learn the Montessori approach to learning language and how to apply it every day.
Easy things you can do every day to encourage your toddler to use more language. *Note – Suggestions in this article...
Knowing why a child hits is the first step in handling a challenging ‘hitting’ situation. Next, how should you respond...
By learning why young children hit – learning what is developmentally going on in their brains when they hit –...