Imagine a world with chalkboard walls?! Build the play structure of your dreams.
Or back to basics with Crazy Forts.
BBQ theme on one side, ice cream on the other. Yes, it’s true! Thank goodness for artful details. Take it...
Fuel creativity. Card-swiping machine, scanner, conveyor belt…countless ways to learn and play. Don’t forget your groceries, cart and tote!
A cozy cocoon for swinging and spinning – or getting into that mental “just right space”. Loved by occupational therapists...
Road trip adventures from the comfort of home. Clever patchwork and embroidered details (like awning and curtains) bring play to...
We searched high and low for the ideal indoor bowling set – sturdy pins, weighted (but soft) ball…and this one...
Ping pong anywhere and everywhere! This inventive corknet is sturdy, yet portable. A fun game for gross motor and spatial...
Build your own supersonic vehicle – or monster! Design a toy that actually moves. Unlike any kit we’ve seen – includes...
Re-imagine ‘school’. Packed with thoughtful details and accessories, this playset will creatively nurture your child’s feelings, ideas and dreams for...
All you need for sensory discovery in one easy bin. Just add imagination! Complete with moldable sand, squishy aquabeads, calming...
A dollhouse you design yourself. Winner of just about every toy award. Why not build the neighborhood too?
Best part? Climbing up the middle! Fun fact: this unanchored rope ladder is especially excellent for grip strength, core strength...
Hands-down, the coolest coloring book..and the longest in the world (!!) Hours of downtime fun that cleverly folds into accordion-style...
Little hands often struggle to hold a pencil, especially when their muscles need some building. Fortunately there are many fun...
Help your child to control their thoughts by making Mindful Minutes a routine. Your step-by-step guide on why, how and...
If you’re looking for a didactic list, here’s a theoretical, academic sequence for teaching your child to read. Just remember...
Learn at what age you should expect that your child can practice skills without prompting and strategies for encouraging your...
‘Sensory processing development’ is vital to understanding how children learn. It is deeply studied among early childhood experts, but not...
If a child is too forceful with their grasp, the pressure used will lead to quick fatigue. To help prevent...
Here’s a practical tool and script to support your child’s self-regulation and emotional awareness – it provides a shared language to signal...
Sometimes, a child may have an efficient grasp and sufficient hand strength, but their handwriting strokes still do not produce...
How is your child dealing with words they can’t read? Here’s an observation tool that can help inform how your...
Sibling fighting and rivalry is normal and, in most cases, healthy. Learn how to resolve sibling conflict in 5 simple...
Whether a young child practices prewriting skills or an older child works on sight words, salt / sand trays are...
By learning why young children hit – learning what is developmentally going on in their brains when they hit –...