Small fingers love tinkering with locks (plus, it strengthens their pincer grasp and hand muscles). Explore early phonics and learn...
Good old-fashioned fun and cheer. These delightful stickers are brilliant for adding a splash of sunshine + happy to anything...
A rocket on your back? Let your imagination run wild…literally!
Soar to and explore new frontiers! And, for something on a smaller scale.
Learn letters with a classic game. There’s a reason it’s a classroom favorite. Ditto for the numbers edition.
A play + learn system that develops memory, concentration, visual perception, logic, language and math skills. Developed in Germany; used...
3D open-ended mechanics and creativity. Keep tap tapping that logic and hand-eye coordination with this and this.
Very cool, very S.T.E.A.M. Bring 2D concepts into large-scale 3D. Foster creativity, experimentation and patience using modular + magnetic constraints....
An ideal gift for your beginning reader to inspire their love of books, reading and creative storytelling. And for those...
An ideal platform for S.T.E.A.M education and spatial + kinetic awareness. Praised by the Wall Street Journal for how it...
Hours of retro fun! A must-have for long car rides. Nifty shutter slides (no little bits mess!) makes this game...
We love the simplicity + and easy storage of this design. Beginner chess and checker strategies are excellent for kids...
How do you know if your child is experiencing a developmental “bump”? How do you know if it is time...
Community engagement with little ones is filled with layers of good intentions and ambitious learnings. It may take effort, but...
Many parents are eager to teach their children basic number concepts at a young age. For a 2-year old, exposure...
Your questions, our answers. Learn how to handle common scenarios when a child interrupts. From raising hands, to when to...
Language and scripts parents can use in their back-to-school conversations with children during this Covid-19 pandemic. Plus, answers to common...
Try having ‘Family Agreements’ instead of having ‘rules’. Family Agreements can be powerful yet simple tools for encouraging baseline behavioral...
One of the most frequent questions we get from parents is, “How do I get my child to listen?” It’s...
Imagine a magical world where children are internally motivated to be kind and generous. It’s doable!
We may have grand intentions when it comes to involving our kids in chores. But how do you know which...
“Is my child ready for Kindergarten? What does that even mean?” Here’s my high-level perspective as a parent + teacher...
Get flustered in the heat of the moment when your children fight? Use these three key phrases to stop sibling...
Learning to write is a hallmark in a child’s education journey. It empowers them to express themselves and their talents....