With its moveable mouth and Squeeze Me bleat, this delightful Folkmanis puppet can help role-play big feelings, explore perspectives and...
The softest, snuggliest friend with moveable arms and legs that stands and sits. Dolls are wonderful at personifying a child’s...
Sometimes simple is best for toys that last. True conversation we overheard: Child: “I want this! I play with it...
Spark conversation and make sense of the world. Practice social skills over a cup of tea. Sure to warm any...
A must-have staple for every dress-up bin. Bonus fun with this and this. (Fantastical storytelling not included.)
For all those wiggles, tears and tantrums. Or find your zen. Lots more useful tools here.
Create fanciful games, spread neighborhood cheer with kind messages or get blissfully lost in large-scale drawings. Did you know that...
Found! One of the most unique tea sets yet made by a Melbourne-based toy company. Fully-equipped with biscuits, tea bags...
Soar to and explore new frontiers! And, for something on a smaller scale.
Notice and wonder. Explore the fine details of this world. Comes with awe-inspiring slide images. Kit it out for older...
Just like your child, just like your family; create your one-of-a-kind character.
For your rock n’ roll star. More awesome beats here and here to self-regulate those wiggles. PS – It’s a...
Answers to our most popular questions on a heavy subject. From “How do I explain…” to “How do I teach…”...
#1 daily challenge with children: How to get from A to Z without fighting, yelling or throwing a tantrum? Learn why...
Discover how discipline and punishment differ in practice.
Simply saying “Share!” holds little meaning for children. Young children are egocentric and concrete thinkers. Their experience of the world...
“The way we talk to children becomes their inner voice.” -Peggy O’Mara
We can’t end sibling fighting nor force our children to get along, but we can help them recall happy moments...
Knowing why a child hits is the first step in handling a challenging ‘hitting’ situation. Next, how should you respond...
Learn why it is important for your child to be able to identify their emotions, and help them build their...
Taking time to connect with nature has a long-lasting impact on our health, learning and emotional well-being. Here is what...
As parents and teachers of young children, we encounter ‘power play’ in a variety of ways – some children like...
While we may agree that it is important to speak about issues of race and racism, these layered and personal...
Your child may not want to learnt to read – *yet*. It’s completely normal and natural. Reading is hard. Reading...