Can your child rescue the arctic animals and move them to safety before the bridge breaks? Develop skills in taking turns, teamwork and communication. Simple, easy-to-follow instructions for young learners. From famed French toy company, Djeco.
Simple is sometimes best. Beloved in many classrooms, children love to measure everything. Develop your child’s numerical literacy by having...
The most creative mini golf set we discovered. The variety of obstacles are stellar for practicing gross motor skills and...
Part puzzle, part game – all skill-building. Clever see-through trucks with playful fun faces that develop budding imaginations, spatial planning...
Beyond standard blocks. This hideout version builds reasoning and motor planning skills. Versatile for teaching language development concepts like directional...
Proof that math is creative! A unique way to learn math in context. Sorting, matching, organizing – all early math...
A clever take on Memory. Pair number symbols with magnitude concepts (learn to count!) using uniquely illustrated artwork from 10...
Part puzzle, part phonics…all fun. Bonus points for developing fine motor skills.
BBQ theme on one side, ice cream on the other. Yes, it’s true! Thank goodness for artful details. Take it...
Jump & squeak + balance & coordination. Strong body, strong mind. *Loved* by children of all ages.
Yes, yes, yes!! Finally richly pigmented crayons that celebrate the beauty of all skin tones. A reminder that they’re not...
Pretend, play and learn – math! A playful way to sharpen number and arithmetic skills.
A social and screen-free way of learning letter identification, including phonological awareness and concepts of print. Get moving!
Ready-made cards with easy / no-prep, self-directed activities to entertain your toddler, preschooler and early learner. Excellent for when you...
By learning why young children hit – learning what is developmentally going on in their brains when they hit –...
Encouraging your child to listen can sometimes be very hard (even when you have our trusty checklist of things to...
Children experience emotions just like adults, but they need support and guidance to: 1) Understand their emotions; and 2) Make...
In the heat of an emotional meltdown, it’s hard to remember what to do. So we use *SKOR* for quick recall....
Conflict is natural for preschoolers who are just learning about peers and group settings – it is expected, healthy and...
Simply saying “Share!” holds little meaning for children. Young children are egocentric and concrete thinkers. Their experience of the world...
Your questions, our answers. Learn how to handle common scenarios when a child interrupts. From raising hands, to when to...
Tantrums are hard to manage – for everyone. Here’s our checklist for what to do…in the first 5 minutes.
Knowing why a child hits is the first step in handling a challenging ‘hitting’ situation. Next, how should you respond...
Take every opportunity to count…anything, everything! It may feel common sense to us grown-ups, but fluency in talking about numbers...
Some children are naturally drawn to learning letters, while others may not begin to learn letter identification until they are...