Winner of the 2018 best children’s game by the Kinderspiel des Jahres jury. Perfect for learning how to follow multi-step...
The only knife set owned by all of us at Plinkit for our kids, by French manufacturer Opinel. Cooking together...
Fun-yet-safe. A positive way of exploring power play themes.
A puzzle and play set all in one! Fun fact: 3D spatial skills are foundational for engineering and design.
For your rock n’ roll star. More awesome beats here and here to self-regulate those wiggles. PS – It’s a...
Imagine a world with chalkboard walls?! Build the play structure of your dreams. Or back to basics with Crazy Forts.
Fun fact – Musical elements such as beats, rhythm, melody and tempo possess inherent math principles like spatial properties, sequencing,...
Build bigger with this bendable, flexible car track system. Undeniably cool – and cerebral.
With its moveable mouth and Squeeze Me bleat, this delightful Folkmanis puppet can help role-play big feelings, explore perspectives and...
Letters transform into robots. Mind blown. Watch just how cool they are. And don’t forget about learning numbers.
Sometimes simple is best for toys that last. True conversation we overheard: Child: “I want this! I play with it...
Cute! A magical home for your child’s imagination. The moveable door adds a sweet element of childhood surprise and is...
Teach your child to *THINK* before they speak – to consider the impact of their words (vs. their intent). A helpful...
“Empathy is when you’re able to understand and care about how someone else is feeling.” -Mark Ruffalo, Sesame Street
Tips from an elementary school teacher for parents when teaching math. Key things to remember when supporting your child’s mathematical...
Encouraging your child to listen can sometimes be very hard (even when you have our trusty checklist of things to...
As parents and teachers of young children, we encounter ‘power play’ in a variety of ways – some children like...
Language and scripts parents can use in their back-to-school conversations with children during this Covid-19 pandemic. Plus, answers to common...
Answers to our most popular questions on a heavy subject. From “How do I explain…” to “How do I teach…”...
How to structure the day at home with your child, specifically extended time periods at home is hard. Here’s our...
A practical how-to guide filled with links to buy what you need if your child is doing distance learning. Here...
It may feel like a number of impulsive behaviors are seemingly normal for children. But what is ‘normal’? In this...
A practical guide for navigating conversations with your child about racism, including helpful What You Could Say scripts on important...
When your child starts demonstrating behaviors that show they are trying to ‘fit in’ or wants to ‘belong to a...