Imagine a world with chalkboard walls?! Build the play structure of your dreams. Or back to basics with Crazy Forts.
Pretend, play and learn – math! A playful way to sharpen number and arithmetic skills.
Best part? Climbing up the middle! Fun fact: this unanchored rope ladder is especially excellent for grip strength, core strength...
Master everyday skills with these clever stuffies. Strengthens fine motor skills with real-life finicky accessories – buttons, zippers, laces, buckles,...
Imagination + fine motor skills + history; so rare! Unlock your child’s imagination.
The ultimate app-enabled invention toolbox. Designed by MIT graduate and TED Senior Fellow Ayah Bdeir; featured at the MOMA and...
Build bigger with this bendable, flexible car track system. Undeniably cool – and cerebral.
A cozy cocoon for swinging and spinning – or getting into that mental “just right space”. Loved by occupational therapists...
Fuel creativity. Card-swiping machine, scanner, conveyor belt…countless ways to learn and play. Don’t forget your groceries, cart and tote!
The only knife set owned by all of us at Plinkit for our kids, by French manufacturer Opinel. Cooking together...
Encourage creativity and reasonable risk with real working tools. Inspired by the Montessori way of learning and designed in France....
Savvy craft kits hone fine motor skills for pre-writing. This one is extra nifty – teaches the science of electricity...
Many of us are eager for our children to learn to write. It takes practice but it also needs to...
As parents and teachers of young children, we encounter ‘power play’ in a variety of ways – some children like...
‘Executive functioning’ is a phrase often cited when talking about child development. But what does it really mean and how...
Get flustered in the heat of the moment when your children fight? Use these three key phrases to stop sibling...
Here’s a practical tool and script to support your child’s self-regulation and emotional awareness – it provides a shared language to signal...
Including your child in their own learning process about how to self-regulate is empowering and long-lasting. Here’s how everyday tools...
Make a go-to place for your child to find comfort and safety when their internal engines feel out-of-sorts. Whether you...
Help your child to control their thoughts by making Mindful Minutes a routine. Your step-by-step guide on why, how and...
Brain differences make it hard for a child to control their behavior. Understanding your child’s impulsive behaviors can help you...
Learning to read is incredibly empowering for a child, but it’s also very complex. There is no quick-fix or shortcut....
Sometimes, a child may have an efficient grasp and sufficient hand strength, but their handwriting strokes still do not produce...
Getting to know your child’s imaginary friends is a fun perk of parenting and teaching. Those characters – whether invisible,...