A simple tool to help your child describe a universe of facial expressions, and to name feelings and emotions with...
An ideal gift for your beginning reader to inspire their love of books, reading and creative storytelling. And for those...
Imaginative story disks that put a magical spin on the skill of storytelling. Re-telling and storytelling are important for reading...
Your child will thank you one day. Just you watch. A time capsule for your child to share their stories,...
Innovative activity cards with 50+ crafts, food, games, festivals and community service activities from around the world. Excellent for rainy...
Beloved by teachers. One of those fun games where the learning is stealthily embedded: strategy + pre-reading skills. Each card...
Beyond giant play. The one and only jumbo bubbles kit that comes with two unique wands and the Dr. Zigs...
“And I’d like to thank the Academy, my parents, my teachers, Plinkit….” Comes with free Movie Maker app to capture...
Those eyes!! Not-your-average stuffie with a squishy, soft texture that’s got quite the brand following. A soothing companion to reach...
Expertly designed for sport-level performance. Combines classic tradition with new-age bouncing (read: higher jumps, less squeaking). Irresistibly loved by kids....
Ping pong anywhere and everywhere! This inventive corknet is sturdy, yet portable. A fun game for gross motor and spatial...
A vibrant and engaging way to spark conversations about scientists. Bonus: puzzles improve hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills. Nothing beats...
Around the ages of four and five, children begin to tell ‘tall tales’. They may also begin to tell fibs...
Consider this your guide and script for how to respond and deepen your child’s understanding of math. Learn how to...
We teachers have the good fortune of learning and playing with a wide range of children in class and are...
While we may agree that it is important to speak about issues of race and racism, these layered and personal...
There are times when it becomes necessary to speak to children about people in their lives who are very sick....
Many of us are eager for our children to learn to write. It takes practice but it also needs to...
Encouraging your child to listen can sometimes be very hard (even when you have our trusty checklist of things to...
“Gratitude is not just a feeling outside your control that arrives willy-nilly. It’s more like a radio channel: you can...
Learning to read is incredibly empowering for a child, but it’s also very complex. There is no quick-fix or shortcut....
Learn how to appeal to your child’s thinking brain and shape their future behavior by instilling discipline (vs. imposing punishment)....
Teach your child to *THINK* before they speak – to consider the impact of their words (vs. their intent). A helpful...
We can’t end sibling fighting nor force our children to get along, but we can help them recall happy moments...