Pretend, play and learn – math! A playful way to sharpen number and arithmetic skills.
Unique + dynamic! Curved pipe pieces bring more expression to creations and better 3D spatial awareness. Connectibility on multiple sides...
Your child’s very own superheroes in the powerful way they imagine them to be. Blank wooden figurines with moveable elastic...
Very cool, very S.T.E.A.M. Bring 2D concepts into large-scale 3D. Foster creativity, experimentation and patience using modular + magnetic constraints....
Electrifying! Winner of multiple toy awards. Take it up a notch with light, sound + motion.
Beautiful. Handmade by Balinese artists in collaboration with a Brooklyn design firm. A fun way of building hand-eye coordination, motor...
An ideal platform for S.T.E.A.M education and spatial + kinetic awareness. Praised by the Wall Street Journal for how it...
Those eyes!! Not-your-average stuffie with a squishy, soft texture that’s got quite the brand following. A soothing companion to reach...
A perennial classroom favorite. The simplicity of the blocks maximizes open-ended creativity. Excellent for improving concentration and staying focused –...
An easy, no mess, no fuss way of creating beautiful handmade sculptures. Super soft clay + bright colors + no...
Written and illustrated by an award-winning team. This ode to family, to dreamers, and to finding hope in the most...
“And I’d like to thank the Academy, my parents, my teachers, Plinkit….” Comes with free Movie Maker app to capture...
Sibling fighting and rivalry is normal and, in most cases, healthy. Learn how to resolve sibling conflict in 5 simple...
A practical guide for navigating conversations with your child about racism, including helpful What You Could Say scripts on important...
When your child starts demonstrating behaviors that show they are trying to ‘fit in’ or wants to ‘belong to a...
As parents and teachers of young children, we encounter ‘power play’ in a variety of ways – some children like...
Learn how to respond to your child’s challenging behavior or big emotions with empathy. Use our go-to parenting scripts for...
Keep your child safe from danger and empower them to be safe. Teach your child to protect themselves with important...
Ready-made cards with easy / no-prep, self-directed activities to entertain your toddler, preschooler and early learner. Excellent for when you...
Getting to know your child’s imaginary friends is a fun perk of parenting and teaching. Those characters – whether invisible,...
A go-to list of calming strategies that your child can independently use to get back on track when they feel...
Helpful phrases and scripts to respond to your child when they ask about other children’s challenges or about a child...
Learn why patience is a learned skill and essential for character and academic development, and seven key strategies to teach...
Teasing, name-calling, social exclusion or any other general unkindness that specifically relates to race, gender, religion or any aspects of...