Meet Sangeeta – The funny, humble, steadfast rock that keeps her family’s train running. She has tirelessly comforted her son through his obstructive sleep apnea, and always does it with a sense of humor that maintains perspective. We are so happy to get to know someone whose playfulness sparks joy in everyone around her. (Wish we could be at her family dance parties!)
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On Parenting
5 surprising things about parenting:
- On your child’s learning: How important nature – the great outdoors – is to their learning. Living smack in a city makes this hard sometimes, but really, children should play outside. So much of their curiosity blossoms when we spend time outdoors. There is a wonderment from allowing them to build a relationship with nature.
- On school: Choose wisely – a school community can be a big part of your family life. I am in love with my daughter’s school. The teachers are not only educating her, but helping us raise her. They are truly on a journey with us. ‘School’ is so different now than when I was young. For example, I’m already realizing I need a lesson in math. Apparently, carrying the 1 is no longer how we do addition!
- On toys: It can be hard to find a ‘good’ toy. We seem to be surrounded by loud toys with flashing lights that simply don’t provide opportunities for creativity or longevity. (But that’s why I love Plinkit.)
- On food: Who knew you had to teach someone how to eat. Why are my kids such picky eaters? How did this happen? My husband and I love food! We’re dreaming about the day when we can go to a restaurant and have a civilized dinner together at a crayon-free table.
- On childcare: Don’t be a hero – find childcare to keep your sanity.

Biggest parenting challenge right now:
- The constant morning fire drill to get out of the house. No matter how much we prep the night before, it seems like a never-ending battle.
- Supporting my son as he recovers from his surgery for obstructive sleep apnea. He hasn’t had quality restorative sleep in 4 years – until now.
- First-time listening.
What do you wish you would do more / less of as a parent?
- More: Be present.
- Less: Bribing!
How do you get your child to do something they don’t know how to do?
- I try to simplify most new things by helping them break it down into steps, and build up from there. Right now we’re spelling out ‘family chores’ vs. ‘money chores’ for allowances.
- I always start by saying, “Let’s try to do this together” or “How do you think this works?”
What do you love most about parenting?
- The hugs, kisses, cuddles – I live for those little moments of affection I get each day. People tell you that it’ll go by quickly and you hear it, but now I actually feel it. That part I don’t like.

On Your Family
Describe a favorite family tradition.
- We have a “Team Landau” huddle ritual where we stack each person’s hand in the center and yell out “1-2-3 Team Landau!” I hope the kids always remember the feeling of that huddle.
- Oh, and our dance parties in the living room where I finally get to choose grown-up music.
What is your child’s favorite toy these days? What was one of your favorite toys?
My oldest is obsessed with origami and my youngest is thrilled to find any toy related to jet planes. It’s so hard to choose one toy I loved as a child, but I think it was the Magna Doodle.
What is your child’s 3 favorite books?
- 8-year old: Magic Tree House, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, Charlotte’s Web.
- 4-year old: Curious George, Dragons Love Tacos and Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site.

On Your Wisdom
What’s something from your childhood that is true for your child? What’s different?
- True: How precious that bedtime story is and always will be.
- Different: Screen-time and over-scheduling.
Words of wisdom you’d share with a new parent:
- Breathe; you don’t realize how much you already know instinctively.
- Find your tribe and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
*Plinkit is proud to share these parent profiles as they authentically represent the diverse voices of our Plinkit readership. The views and opinions expressed in these parent profiles are those of the authors and may not necessarily reflect those of Plinkit Pte. Ltd.