A perennial classroom favorite. The simplicity of the blocks maximizes open-ended creativity. Excellent for improving concentration and staying focused – life skills that are important for executive functions.
Magnetic and portable. A fresh take on an old classic filled with especially sweet images. Learning how to ask meaningful...
Spark conversation and make sense of the world. Practice social skills over a cup of tea. Sure to warm any...
Build your own supersonic vehicle – or monster! Design a toy that actually moves. Unlike any kit we’ve seen – includes...
Electrifying! Winner of multiple toy awards. Take it up a notch with light, sound + motion.
3D open-ended mechanics and creativity. Keep tap tapping that logic and hand-eye coordination with this and this.
Sometimes simple is best for toys that last. True conversation we overheard: Child: “I want this! I play with it...
Teaches cause and effect and sorting, an early math skill. Interactive play with keys creates storytelling and back-and-forth interactions. Beloved...
Physical and mental dexterity required. Teach your child’s brain and body to work together.
Soar to and explore new frontiers! And, for something on a smaller scale.
Encourage creativity and reasonable risk with real working tools. Inspired by the Montessori way of learning and designed in France....
This stunning 1000-piece puzzle features important messages of human diversity, inclusion and acts of kindness. An enchanting work of art...
A dollhouse you design yourself. Winner of just about every toy award. Why not build the neighborhood too?
How to structure the day at home with your child, specifically extended time periods at home is hard. Here’s our...
If you’re looking for a didactic list, here’s a theoretical, academic sequence for teaching your child to read. Just remember...
Let’s double-down on how to translate *growth mindset* into something tangible with your child. We’re focusing on how to teach...
Your child may not want to learnt to read – *yet*. It’s completely normal and natural. Reading is hard. Reading...
Book selection is key in helping your child learn to read. Parents of emergent and early readers are often tempted...
Learning to write is a hallmark in a child’s education journey. It empowers them to express themselves and their talents....
Imagine a magical world where children are internally motivated to be kind and generous. It’s doable!
“What is a good resource to understand milestones for my child? At what age should they learn colors? Learn numbers?...
When all the other pieces – like grasp and strength – are in place, it may be time to practice....
Tattling is very common but it can be shaped by our responses to their tattling. Teach your child this simple rhyme to work...
Discover how discipline and punishment differ in practice.
How is your child dealing with words they can’t read? Here’s an observation tool that can help inform how your...