Innovative activity cards with 50+ crafts, food, games, festivals and community service activities from around the world. Excellent for rainy...
Encourage creativity and reasonable risk with real working tools. Inspired by the Montessori way of learning and designed in France....
Build bigger with this bendable, flexible car track system. Undeniably cool – and cerebral.
Very cool, very S.T.E.A.M. Bring 2D concepts into large-scale 3D. Foster creativity, experimentation and patience using modular + magnetic constraints....
A reversible puzzle? So clever! One side is set in Spring, the other in Fall – both have delightful patterns...
Build your own supersonic vehicle – or monster! Design a toy that actually moves. Unlike any kit we’ve seen – includes...
A perennial classroom favorite. The simplicity of the blocks maximizes open-ended creativity. Excellent for improving concentration and staying focused –...
Award-winning classic; or the simpler version here. Captivating way of strengthening the pincer grasp.
Hands-down, the coolest coloring book..and the longest in the world (!!) Hours of downtime fun that cleverly folds into accordion-style...
“And I’d like to thank the Academy, my parents, my teachers, Plinkit….” Comes with free Movie Maker app to capture...
A vibrant and engaging way to spark conversations about scientists. Bonus: puzzles improve hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills. Nothing beats...
Those eyes!! Not-your-average stuffie with a squishy, soft texture that’s got quite the brand following. A soothing companion to reach...
Imagine a magical world where children are internally motivated to be kind and generous. It’s doable!
If you’re looking for a didactic list, here’s a theoretical, academic sequence for teaching your child to read. Just remember...
Increase critical thinking and curiosity when you read aloud. Take story time to a new level.
“What is a good resource to understand milestones for my child? At what age should they learn colors? Learn numbers?...
Learning to write is a hallmark in a child’s education journey. It empowers them to express themselves and their talents....
Try having ‘Family Agreements’ instead of having ‘rules’. Family Agreements can be powerful yet simple tools for encouraging baseline behavioral...
Learn how to appeal to your child’s thinking brain and shape their future behavior by instilling discipline (vs. imposing punishment)....
It’s hard to know what you don’t know as your child embarks on their learning journey and enters Kindergarten. Sure,...
Our Awesome Allowance System gives children practice in setting financial goals, making hard choices, and developing a sense for the...
“I think I have a sense for Kindergarten readiness, now how can I support my child to get there?” Keep...
A primer on why and how learning to spell is such a powerful and fundamental concept for early learners and...
A frequent question teachers are asked by parents is, “Should I correct my child’s spelling?” Our short answer – “It...