We all could use a dose of this; this kit makes it so easy. And because great things do come...
Sensory-reinforcement makes learning lower case a little less tricky (say that three times!) And because upper case and numbers are...
Pow! Inspire oral language development and storytelling, both key to literacy development. A great self-directed activity with multiple learning outcomes....
A must-have staple for every dress-up bin. Bonus fun with this and this. (Fantastical storytelling not included.)
Beloved by teachers. One of those fun games where the learning is stealthily embedded: strategy + pre-reading skills. Each card...
A simple tool to help your child describe a universe of facial expressions, and to name feelings and emotions with...
A puzzle and play set all in one! Fun fact: 3D spatial skills are foundational for engineering and design.
Those eyes!! Not-your-average stuffie with a squishy, soft texture that’s got quite the brand following. A soothing companion to reach...
Written and illustrated by an award-winning team. This ode to family, to dreamers, and to finding hope in the most...
A perennial classroom favorite. The simplicity of the blocks maximizes open-ended creativity. Excellent for improving concentration and staying focused –...
We love the story, the concept, the illustrations…all of it! Especially the feeling it leaves in you – pride in...
An easy, no mess, no fuss way of creating beautiful handmade sculptures. Super soft clay + bright colors + no...
“Empathy is when you’re able to understand and care about how someone else is feeling.” -Mark Ruffalo, Sesame Street
A go-to list of calming strategies that your child can independently use to get back on track when they feel...
Parents are often unsure of how to talk to young children about race. But it is real and it is...
Any opportunity for a fresh start to refocus and reset (the New Year, the start of the academic school year,...
A frequent question teachers are asked by parents is, “Should I correct my child’s spelling?” Our short answer – “It...
It’s normal to hear your child experimenting with dramatic language at around age 4 (e.g., talking back, harsh tones of...
At around age 4, you may see all sorts of dramatic language changes – talking back, harsh tones of voice,...
While we may agree that it is important to speak about issues of race and racism, these layered and personal...
Increase critical thinking and curiosity when you read aloud. Take story time to a new level.
Many of us are eager for our children to learn to write. It takes practice but it also needs to...
Teasing, name-calling, social exclusion or any other general unkindness that specifically relates to race, gender, religion or any aspects of...
Language and scripts parents can use in their back-to-school conversations with children during this Covid-19 pandemic. Plus, answers to common...