Experiment with high-flying fun or with simple machines.
Another problem-solving goodie for basic physics.
3D open-ended mechanics and creativity. Keep tap tapping that logic and hand-eye coordination with this and this.
Spot the notches in these wooden blocks? They inspire little hands to build bigger, taller and more complex creations. Playing...
Learn about the history and traditions surrounding piñatas (did you know they date back 700 years?), then make your own...
Winner of the 2018 best children’s game by the Kinderspiel des Jahres jury. Perfect for learning how to follow multi-step...
Beautiful. Handmade by Balinese artists in collaboration with a Brooklyn design firm. A fun way of building hand-eye coordination, motor...
Very cool, very S.T.E.A.M. Bring 2D concepts into large-scale 3D. Foster creativity, experimentation and patience using modular + magnetic constraints....
An easy, no mess, no fuss way of creating beautiful handmade sculptures. Super soft clay + bright colors + no...
Mesmerizing + soothing. The unusual rod top makes it lovely to watch and easy to spin. An excellent addition to...
We love the simplicity + and easy storage of this design. Beginner chess and checker strategies are excellent for kids...
Beyond giant play. The one and only jumbo bubbles kit that comes with two unique wands and the Dr. Zigs...
Expertly designed for sport-level performance. Combines classic tradition with new-age bouncing (read: higher jumps, less squeaking). Irresistibly loved by kids....
We may have grand intentions when it comes to involving our kids in chores. But how do you know which...
It’s hard to know what you don’t know as your child embarks on their learning journey and enters Kindergarten. Sure,...
Understand the difference between discipline and punishment to change a child’s behavior in the future. Let’s focus on creating effective...
Sometimes, a child may have an efficient grasp and sufficient hand strength, but their handwriting strokes still do not produce...
If a child is too forceful with their grasp, the pressure used will lead to quick fatigue. To help prevent...
Discover how discipline and punishment differ in practice.
Learn at what age you should expect that your child can practice skills without prompting and strategies for encouraging your...
Tattling is very common but it can be shaped by our responses to their tattling. Teach your child this simple rhyme to work...
Is writing letters backwards OK, or is it an early warning sign of a learning difference? Let’s tackle this very...
Many of us are eager for our children to learn to write. It takes practice but it also needs to...
Learning to write is a hallmark in a child’s education journey. It empowers them to express themselves and their talents....
Consider this your guide and script for how to respond and deepen your child’s understanding of math. Learn how to...