Next-level Magna-Tiles – in little cubes! Strengthen visual-spatial skills and hand muscles, both critical for early handwriting. Building with magnetic...
Beautiful. Handmade by Balinese artists in collaboration with a Brooklyn design firm. A fun way of building hand-eye coordination, motor...
Clever new take on a traditional game. Fun fact: 3D spatial skills are foundational for engineering and design. Just as...
Pow! Inspire oral language development and storytelling, both key to literacy development. A great self-directed activity with multiple learning outcomes....
There’s a hero in all of us. Outstanding details in this playset. Or, go (almost) larger than life with this...
A must-have staple for every dress-up bin. Bonus fun with this and this. (Fantastical storytelling not included.)
“And I’d like to thank the Academy, my parents, my teachers, Plinkit….” Comes with free Movie Maker app to capture...
Ping pong anywhere and everywhere! This inventive corknet is sturdy, yet portable. A fun game for gross motor and spatial...
Award-winning classic; or the simpler version here. Captivating way of strengthening the pincer grasp.
Expertly designed for sport-level performance. Combines classic tradition with new-age bouncing (read: higher jumps, less squeaking). Irresistibly loved by kids....
A perennial classroom favorite. The simplicity of the blocks maximizes open-ended creativity. Excellent for improving concentration and staying focused –...
New twist on the classic tug-of-war that will have the whole family laughing and active. Add a dose of healthy...
The benefits of mindfulness and how it can help your child thrive. How to naturally and authentically infuse mindfulness into...
Sometimes, a child may have an efficient grasp and sufficient hand strength, but their handwriting strokes still do not produce...
Book selection is key in helping your child learn to read. Parents of emergent and early readers are often tempted...
Whether a young child practices prewriting skills or an older child works on sight words, salt / sand trays are...
Sibling fighting and rivalry is normal and, in most cases, healthy. Learn how to resolve sibling conflict in 5 simple...
Taking time to connect with nature has a long-lasting impact on our health, learning and emotional well-being. Here is what...
Is writing letters backwards OK, or is it an early warning sign of a learning difference? Let’s tackle this very...
Including your child in their own learning process about how to self-regulate is empowering and long-lasting. Here’s how everyday tools...
Learn at what age you should expect that your child can practice skills without prompting and strategies for encouraging your...
Getting to know your child’s imaginary friends is a fun perk of parenting and teaching. Those characters – whether invisible,...
When all the other pieces – like grasp and strength – are in place, it may be time to practice....
Learning to write is a hallmark in a child’s education journey. It empowers them to express themselves and their talents....