It’s impossible to stop gawking! Use the inquiry approach with this intro to science. Works well with The Big Book of...
Imagine a world with chalkboard walls?! Build the play structure of your dreams. Or back to basics with Crazy Forts.
Notice and wonder. Explore the fine details of this world. Comes with awe-inspiring slide images. Kit it out for older...
Design, build, imagine. Just how we like it. For the nature-enthusiast or the dramatist. Endless options.
The ‘pop’ and ‘snap’ of these beads are excellent for strengthening pincer grasps, hand control and finger precision – all...
Made of felt, this is one of those unique playsets that is timeless fun. It’s all in the details –...
Re-imagine ‘school’. Packed with thoughtful details and accessories, this playset will creatively nurture your child’s feelings, ideas and dreams for...
Physical and mental dexterity required. Teach your child’s brain and body to work together.
A must-have staple for every dress-up bin. Bonus fun with this and this. (Fantastical storytelling not included.)
A perennial classroom favorite. The simplicity of the blocks maximizes open-ended creativity. Excellent for improving concentration and staying focused –...
The only knife set owned by all of us at Plinkit for our kids, by French manufacturer Opinel. Cooking together...
When all the other pieces – like grasp and strength – are in place, it may be time to practice....
The benefits of mindfulness and how it can help your child thrive. How to naturally and authentically infuse mindfulness into...
Getting to know your child’s imaginary friends is a fun perk of parenting and teaching. Those characters – whether invisible,...
Make a go-to place for your child to find comfort and safety when their internal engines feel out-of-sorts. Whether you...
How is your child dealing with words they can’t read? Here’s an observation tool that can help inform how your...
Including your child in their own learning process about how to self-regulate is empowering and long-lasting. Here’s how everyday tools...
Sometimes, a child may have an efficient grasp and sufficient hand strength, but their handwriting strokes still do not produce...
Whether a young child practices prewriting skills or an older child works on sight words, salt / sand trays are...
Here’s a practical tool and script to support your child’s self-regulation and emotional awareness – it provides a shared language to signal...
Little hands often struggle to hold a pencil, especially when their muscles need some building. Fortunately there are many fun...
Sibling fighting and rivalry is normal and, in most cases, healthy. Learn how to resolve sibling conflict in 5 simple...
If a child is too forceful with their grasp, the pressure used will lead to quick fatigue. To help prevent...