Teaches cause and effect and sorting, an early math skill. Interactive play with keys creates storytelling and back-and-forth interactions. Beloved by Plinkit expert and speech pathologist, Kim Christensen.
Improve core strength, balance and coordination. An essential in many classrooms. Equally fabulous at free play as it is for...
A play + learn system that develops memory, concentration, visual perception, logic, language and math skills. Developed in Germany; used...
It’s impossible to stop gawking! Use the inquiry approach with this intro to science. Works well with The Big Book of...
(Beautiful) bingo with a twist. Bonus fun – it’s multilingual! And for those times you can’t stop having fun with...
Vibrant + engaging. Brilliantly made, this over-sized, fire-breathing fun is over 4.5 feet long. Puzzles are exceptional for developing problem-solving,...
Notice and wonder. Explore the fine details of this world. Comes with awe-inspiring slide images. Kit it out for older...
We searched high and low for the ideal indoor bowling set – sturdy pins, weighted (but soft) ball…and this one...
Ping pong anywhere and everywhere! This inventive corknet is sturdy, yet portable. A fun game for gross motor and spatial...
Innovative activity cards with 50+ crafts, food, games, festivals and community service activities from around the world. Excellent for rainy...
Learn about the history and traditions surrounding piñatas (did you know they date back 700 years?), then make your own...
A puzzle and play set all in one! Fun fact: 3D spatial skills are foundational for engineering and design.
New twist on the classic tug-of-war that will have the whole family laughing and active. Add a dose of healthy...
Sibling fighting and rivalry is normal and, in most cases, healthy. Learn how to resolve sibling conflict in 5 simple...
Simply saying “Share!” holds little meaning for children. Young children are egocentric and concrete thinkers. Their experience of the world...
Here’s a practical tool and script to support your child’s self-regulation and emotional awareness – it provides a shared language to signal...
ABCs, colors, numbers, sight words…parents have heard of the ‘push-down’ of academic skills – that Kindergarten has a lot of...
Acknowledge and promote positive behavior….*Plinkit* with a Marble Jar! You’ll be amazed at the twinkle in your child’s eye each...
Understand the difference between discipline and punishment to change a child’s behavior in the future. Let’s focus on creating effective...
Ready-made cards with easy / no-prep, self-directed activities to entertain your toddler, preschooler and early learner. Excellent for when you...
‘Sensory processing development’ is vital to understanding how children learn. It is deeply studied among early childhood experts, but not...
Knowing why transitions are difficult is half the puzzle. The other half is how to get through them. Teachers go...
Including your child in their own learning process about how to self-regulate is empowering and long-lasting. Here’s how everyday tools...
Take every opportunity to count…anything, everything! It may feel common sense to us grown-ups, but fluency in talking about numbers...
Try having ‘Family Agreements’ instead of having ‘rules’. Family Agreements can be powerful yet simple tools for encouraging baseline behavioral...