A beautifully interactive toy for putting positional words into action. Promotes creativity + kinetic awareness. The sweet carousel seats can also be used as a lovely introduction to 1:1 correspondence.
The most creative mini golf set we discovered. The variety of obstacles are stellar for practicing gross motor skills and...
Sorting, classifying, organizing, oh my! This charming stall from the Netherlands is great for practicing early math concepts, communication and...
Pretend, play and learn – math! A playful way to sharpen number and arithmetic skills.
Part puzzle, part game – all skill-building. Clever see-through trucks with playful fun faces that develop budding imaginations, spatial planning...
Made of felt, this is one of those unique playsets that is timeless fun. It’s all in the details –...
Create your own musical instrument. Apologies now for the sweet “music” you’ll hear! Can’t stop the feeling? Try this trumpet,...
Always a hit in play yards + schools! From deciding what to put inside, how to lift and walk, problem-solving...
It’s impossible to stop gawking! Use the inquiry approach with this intro to science. Works well with The Big Book of...
Thoughtfully designed blocks; and on a grander scale.
A dollhouse you design yourself. Winner of just about every toy award. Why not build the neighborhood too?
Fuel creativity. Card-swiping machine, scanner, conveyor belt…countless ways to learn and play. Don’t forget your groceries, cart and tote!
A favorite of Plinkit expert and pediatric occupational therapist, Shannon White. Lacing cards develop finger dexterity (important for handwriting control...
Learn at what age you should expect that your child can practice skills without prompting and strategies for encouraging your...
If you’re looking for a didactic list, here’s a theoretical, academic sequence for teaching your child to read. Just remember...
How is your child dealing with words they can’t read? Here’s an observation tool that can help inform how your...
Get flustered in the heat of the moment when your children fight? Use these three key phrases to stop sibling...
Make a go-to place for your child to find comfort and safety when their internal engines feel out-of-sorts. Whether you...
Including your child in their own learning process about how to self-regulate is empowering and long-lasting. Here’s how everyday tools...
As parents and teachers of young children, we encounter ‘power play’ in a variety of ways – some children like...
Help your child to control their thoughts by making Mindful Minutes a routine. Your step-by-step guide on why, how and...
Little hands often struggle to hold a pencil, especially when their muscles need some building. Fortunately there are many fun...
If a child is too forceful with their grasp, the pressure used will lead to quick fatigue. To help prevent...
By learning why young children hit – learning what is developmentally going on in their brains when they hit –...
When all the other pieces – like grasp and strength – are in place, it may be time to practice....