With its moveable mouth and Squeeze Me bleat, this delightful Folkmanis puppet can help role-play big feelings, explore perspectives and expand your child’s voice. Character-play and storytelling are key for cognitive development.
Fuel creativity. Card-swiping machine, scanner, conveyor belt…countless ways to learn and play. Don’t forget your groceries, cart and tote!
A very grown-up dining experience; bonus points for building fine motor skills.
Cute! A magical home for your child’s imagination. The moveable door adds a sweet element of childhood surprise and is...
Early intro to core executive functions – logic, problem-solving and planning. Great for small hands and for developing spatial visualization....
A social and screen-free way of learning letter identification, including phonological awareness and concepts of print. Get moving!
BBQ theme on one side, ice cream on the other. Yes, it’s true! Thank goodness for artful details. Take it...
Expertly designed for sport-level performance. Combines classic tradition with new-age bouncing (read: higher jumps, less squeaking). Irresistibly loved by kids....
A dollhouse you design yourself. Winner of just about every toy award. Why not build the neighborhood too?
We love the simplicity + and easy storage of this design. Beginner chess and checker strategies are excellent for kids...
Imaginative story disks that put a magical spin on the skill of storytelling. Re-telling and storytelling are important for reading...
Part puzzle, part phonics…all fun. Bonus points for developing fine motor skills.
Ping pong anywhere and everywhere! This inventive corknet is sturdy, yet portable. A fun game for gross motor and spatial...
Speaking with a child about death is an important, impactful, and often dreaded, teachable moment. Whether prompted by an actual...
Tattling is very common but it can be shaped by our responses to their tattling. Teach your child this simple rhyme to work...
Help your child to control their thoughts by making Mindful Minutes a routine. Your step-by-step guide on why, how and...
“Is my child ready for Kindergarten? What does that even mean?” Here’s my high-level perspective as a parent + teacher...
Learn the Montessori approach to learning language and how to apply it every day.
Sibling fighting and rivalry is normal and, in most cases, healthy. Learn how to resolve sibling conflict in 5 simple...
Here’s a practical tool and script to support your child’s self-regulation and emotional awareness – it provides a shared language to signal...
It’s normal to hear your child experimenting with dramatic language at around age 4 (e.g., talking back, harsh tones of...
One of the most frequent complaints we get from parents is around whining. We get it – even as teachers....
“It’s not about how smart you are, it’s about how you are smart.” -Howard Gardner
Keep your child safe from danger and empower them to be safe. Teach your child to protect themselves with important...
We’re often asked, “How do I know if my child needs speech therapy?” First, listen to your instincts. If you...