“And I’d like to thank the Academy, my parents, my teachers, Plinkit….” Comes with free Movie Maker app to capture...
Part logic, part construction – 100% learning through play! We love the beginner through expert challenges, focusing on developing engineering,...
Learn about the most fascinating places in the world and why they’re there. Visually captivating with 75 3D maps. Guaranteed...
Explore the past and discover stories of people who changed the world in an engaging, youthful way. Inspire your young...
Doodle fun + inspiration. Quirky graphics and entertaining activities keep this interactive book engaging. Even when there are big, anxious...
Super cool! An irresistible activity book with outstanding artwork. Wordless – ready for wild imaginations and vivid storytelling. Mysteries untold.
A more interesting + interactive take on globe exploring. Teacher tip: when reading a book that takes place in a...
Jumpstart creativity with 80 lively drawing prompts that will get your child drawing different things in different ways. Loved by...
Curated with an eye for where record-breaking made a positive impact to the world and our natural ecosystem. Part of...
Speaking with a child about death is an important, impactful, and often dreaded, teachable moment. Whether prompted by an actual...
Around the ages of four and five, children begin to tell ‘tall tales’. They may also begin to tell fibs...
One of the most frequent complaints we get from parents is around whining. We get it – even as teachers....
Increase critical thinking and curiosity when you read aloud. Take story time to a new level.
Teach your child to *THINK* before they speak – to consider the impact of their words (vs. their intent). A helpful...
If a child is too forceful with their grasp, the pressure used will lead to quick fatigue. To help prevent...
“Gratitude is not just a feeling outside your control that arrives willy-nilly. It’s more like a radio channel: you can...
Help your child learn how to resolve a social conflict on their own with this framework – Wheel of Choices.
A go-to list of calming strategies that your child can independently use to get back on track when they feel...
Your child may not want to learnt to read – *yet*. It’s completely normal and natural. Reading is hard. Reading...
A simple primer for parents that outlines the mechanics of what it means to learn to read when you’re a...
While some children inherently understand how to socially interact with others and are comfortable with basic social skills, others need more...